Capture Smiles & Win with Sense-U in 2024!

🌟 Hello, Sense-U Families!

As we step into 2024, we're thrilled to announce a heartwarming event: "Guarding Baby's Safety, Guarding Family's Smile".

🏆 Win Big Every Month! Each month, we'll select sereval lucky winners based on the total number of likes and comments on baby smile posts. The winning families will receive exclusive Sense-U smart baby monitors ($129.99 to $399.99 value). It's a celebration of joy, safety, and the magical journey of parenting! January’s gifts are 3 sets of Sense-U smart baby monitor 3.

👶 Why Participate? Your baby's smile is a reflection of happiness and safety - two things we hold dear at Sense-U. By sharing your moments, you'll not only have the chance to win but also celebrate the beautiful journey of raising little ones.

📷 February Baby Giggles Giveaway!
Every giggle, every mischievous glance, and those hilariously unexpected moments that make parenting an adventure - we love them all! To celebrate the joyous journey of parenthood, we will choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to give away Sense-U Cams (from $129.99 to $199.99 value) in February 2024.

How to enter

Instagram user

  1. Follow @senseubabymonitor and like the campaign post.
  2. Share a funny video of your baby on Instagram. 😂Tag @senseubabymonitor and use #senseubabymonitor. 🏷️
  3. Fill out the entry form.

Facebook user

  1. Follow Sense-U Baby and like the campaign post.
  2. Leave a funny video of your baby in the comments.
  3. Fill out the entry form.

Twitter user

  1. Follow Sense-U Baby Monitor and like the campaign post.
  2. Leave a funny video of your baby in the comments.
  3. Fill out the entry form.

Let's fill 2024 with smiles and love, guarding not just the safety but the smiling faces of our family!
The giveaway is held monthly and the deadline is 12/31 at 11:59 p.m. PST in 2024. The winners will be selected at random monthly and notified via DM. If you have any questions about how to claim this fantastic offer, please feel free to send us a message. Wishing everyone the best of luck!