10-to-12-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

10-to-12-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

As your baby approaches their first birthday, the 10- to 12-month phase is filled with incredible developmental leaps and new milestones. From increased independence to blossoming personalities, this stage is truly exciting for both baby and parents. Understanding what to expect can help you support your little one as they grow. Here’s a comprehensive look at your 10-to-12-month-old baby’s development, including sensing, movement, personality, and more.

1. Sensing and Exploration

By this age, your baby's senses are sharper than ever, and they are using them to explore the world.

  • Sight: Your baby can now see objects clearly from a distance and may enjoy watching birds, cars, or other moving objects.
  • Hearing: They are getting better at understanding everyday sounds and can recognize familiar voices even from another room.
  • Touch and Taste: Touch is still an important way for your baby to explore, and they may enjoy feeling different textures or putting things in their mouth to explore new tastes (make sure to keep small objects out of reach!).

Fun Fact:

At 10 to 12 months, babies can start to recognize themselves in mirrors! They may smile or wave, realizing they are looking at their reflection.

2. Movement Milestones

During these months, your baby’s physical abilities take a major leap. Movement skills typically include:

  • Crawling: If your baby isn’t already crawling, they will likely start now and may quickly move to cruising(walking while holding onto furniture).
  • Standing: Some babies will begin to stand independently, and others may take their first steps.
  • Improved Coordination: Their fine motor skills are improving, so your baby may begin to use their thumb and forefinger in a pincer grasp to pick up small objects, like pieces of food.

3. Blossoming Personality

At this stage, you’ll notice your baby’s personality really starting to shine. They may:

  • Show preference for certain toys or activities.
  • React with joy, frustration, or curiosity to different situations.
  • Enjoy playing games like peekaboo and will likely mimic your actions, like clapping or waving.

Your baby is also learning to communicate better, and they may begin to use simple words like “mama,” “dada,” or even start pointing to things they want.

4. Feeding Your Baby

Around 10 to 12 months, your baby will continue their journey into solid foods. Some key feeding milestones include:

  • Self-Feeding: Your baby may enjoy finger foods and can start using a spoon, though it will be messy!
  • Variety of Foods: Continue to offer a variety of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. You can introduce more complex textures and flavors at this stage.
  • Weaning from Breastfeeding or Formula: Around the first birthday, many babies start transitioning from breast milk or formula to whole milk, but always consult your pediatrician before making any changes.

5. Sleeping Patterns

By 10 to 12 months, many babies are developing more predictable sleep patterns.

  • Nighttime Sleep: Most babies at this stage are sleeping through the night, with 11 to 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • Daytime Naps: Your baby will typically take two naps during the day, lasting 1 to 2 hours each.

To ensure healthy sleep habits, maintain a consistent sleep routine and create a calm environment in your baby’s crib.

6. Diapering

Diaper changes continue to be a big part of your routine, but by now, your baby might become more active and resistant to staying still during changes.

  • Diaper Size: Make sure to check if your baby has outgrown their current diaper size.
  • Potty Training Signs: Some babies may show early interest in potty training by 12 months, but most will not be fully ready for this transition for several more months.

7. Bathing

Bath time becomes even more fun as your baby grows more active and curious. Make sure to:

  • Use a non-slip mat to prevent slipping during baths.
  • Offer bath toys to keep your baby entertained while you wash them.
  • Keep the water at a comfortable temperature to ensure bath time is relaxing and enjoyable.

8. Playing and Learning

Playtime is essential for your baby’s development, and it’s also a lot of fun! Your baby will love:

  • Interactive Games: Peekaboo, stacking blocks, and rolling balls can improve hand-eye coordination.
  • Cause-and-Effect Toys: Toys that light up or make sounds when pressed are exciting for babies at this stage and help them understand cause and effect.
  • Social Play: Babies enjoy playing near other children, and they may start to engage in parallel play, where they play alongside other babies without directly interacting.

9. Baby’s Health

Maintaining your baby’s health is crucial, and regular visits to the pediatrician help monitor growth and development. By 12 months, your baby will likely receive vaccinations, including:

  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Chickenpox vaccine
  • Hepatitis A vaccine

If your baby is learning to walk, you may also want to consider baby-proofing your home to prevent injuries. Secure loose furniture, install baby gates, and cover sharp edges to create a safe environment for your explorer.

10. Fun Fact: First Birthday!

By 12 months, your baby will be celebrating their first birthday, and you might even witness their first steps or hear their first words. These milestones are an exciting time for both babies and parents. Don’t forget to take pictures, as these moments go by fast!


The 10-to-12-month phase is full of exciting milestones in your baby’s life, from sensing and movement to developing a strong personality. During this stage, your baby’s feeding, sleeping, and playing habits will change, and they’ll continue to surprise you with new skills every day. By offering a supportive environment with healthy foods, engaging toys, and plenty of love, you’ll help your baby thrive as they grow toward their first birthday.

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