10-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

10-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

Your 10-month-old baby is rapidly growing and exploring the world around them, with significant changes happening in their senses, movement, and cognitive abilities. By this stage, you’ll notice improvements in their physical, emotional, and social development. In this blog, we’ll cover the key milestones you can expect at 10 months, along with tips for activities, sleep, bathing, playing, and maintaining your baby's health.


At 10 months, your baby's senses are highly developed and they are increasingly aware of their surroundings:

  • Vision: Their eyesight is improving, allowing them to see objects at a distance and recognize familiar faces and objects even from across the room.
  • Hearing: Your baby now understands many familiar words, such as their name, simple instructions, and sounds related to everyday activities. Their ability to recognize the tone of your voice is also sharpening, helping them understand when you're happy, excited, or concerned.
  • Touch: Babies at this age love to explore textures. Let them touch soft blankets, toys, and even safe household objects to improve their sense of touch.


Your baby is likely very active by 10 months:

  • Crawling: Many 10-month-olds are perfecting their crawling technique, moving around more confidently and quickly.
  • Pulling up and Cruising: It’s common for babies at this age to pull themselves up to stand while holding onto furniture, a process known as cruising. Some babies may even begin to take their first wobbly steps!
  • Hand coordination: Fine motor skills are improving, allowing your baby to grab smaller objects using the pincer grasp (thumb and index finger). They might now enjoy clapping or waving goodbye.

Cognitive Development

Your baby's brain is developing rapidly, allowing them to solve simple problems and understand cause-and-effect relationships:

  • Imitation: Babies love to mimic adult behavior. You might notice your child trying to copy your facial expressions, gestures, or even everyday activities like talking on the phone.
  • Object permanence: At 10 months, your baby understands that objects and people still exist even when they’re out of sight. This is why they may love playing peek-a-boo!
  • Problem-solving: Whether it’s figuring out how to stack blocks or how to open a drawer, your baby is starting to develop simple problem-solving skills.

Activities for Your 10-Month-Old

Engaging your baby in interactive activities will help nurture their development:

  • Reading: Simple picture books with vibrant colors will catch your baby’s attention, and reading aloud helps develop language skills.
  • Music and Dance: Babies love music, so play songs and dance together. It helps with coordination, rhythm, and bonding.
  • Blocks and Sorting Games: Toys that encourage your baby to stack, sort, and explore different shapes are excellent for their fine motor development.
  • Outdoor Time: A walk in the park or time in the backyard can stimulate your baby's senses. Let them touch leaves, grass, and other safe objects in nature.


By 10 months, most babies are sleeping between 10-12 hours at night with two naps during the day. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is key for good sleep habits:

  • Bedtime routine: A soothing routine like a warm bath, a quiet story, and dim lights can help signal to your baby that it’s time for bed.
  • Safe sleep environment: Always place your baby on their back in a crib with a firm mattress and no loose bedding or toys to reduce the risk of SIDS.


Bath time can be a fun and relaxing experience:

  • Daily baths: At 10 months, daily baths aren't necessary, but a bath every 2-3 days is a great way to keep your baby clean while allowing them to splash and play in the water.
  • Bath safety: Always supervise your baby in the bath and make sure the water temperature is lukewarm to avoid burns.
  • Bath toys: Simple toys like rubber ducks, cups, and floating objects can make bath time enjoyable while stimulating their sensory development.


Playtime is crucial for your baby’s development:

  • Interactive Play: Games like peek-a-boo, stacking blocks, and rolling a ball back and forth encourage motor skills and social development.
  • Pretend Play: Your baby might start to engage in pretend play, like pretending to talk on a phone or feeding a stuffed animal.
  • Social Play: If your baby is around other babies, they may start showing interest in playing side-by-side. This is called "parallel play," where babies play near each other but not necessarily together.

Baby’s Health

As your baby becomes more active and curious, it’s important to stay on top of their health and safety:

  • Vaccinations: Make sure your baby is up-to-date on recommended vaccinations.
  • Nutrition: Continue to offer breast milk or baby formula alongside baby food. At this age, introduce a variety of solid foods like soft fruits, vegetables, and proteins.
  • Baby-proofing: As your baby becomes more mobile, ensure that your home is baby-proofed to avoid accidents. This includes covering outlets, securing furniture, and removing small objects that could be a choking hazard.

Fun Fact: Language Milestone

Did you know that around this time, your baby may start saying simple words like “mama” or “dada”? At 10 months, your baby is beginning to link sounds to meanings, so don’t be surprised if their first word pops up soon!


At 10 months, your baby's world is expanding as they gain new abilities and explore their environment. From developing their senses to becoming more mobile, this is an exciting time filled with growth. With engaging activities, proper sleep, playing, and attention to your baby's health, you'll support their development and enjoy these milestones together.