4-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

4-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones

At 4 months, your baby is going through an exciting period of rapid growth and development. This stage is all about learning new skills, sensing the world in new ways, and showing more personality. From movement to feeding, here's everything you need to know about your 4-month-old babyโ€™s milestones and tips for keeping them happy and healthy.

1. Senses

By 4 months, your babyโ€™s senses are becoming more refined, and they are starting to interact with their environment in new and exciting ways.

  • Vision: At this stage, your babyโ€™s ability to see improves dramatically. They can now track moving objects and are more likely to recognize familiar faces from a distance.
  • Hearing: Your baby may react to loud sounds or turn their head toward the source of a voice, especially when you speak to them.
  • Touch: They enjoy different textures and will start using their hands to explore objects, often bringing them to their mouth.

2. Movement Milestones

At 4 months, babies begin to develop better motor control, allowing them to perform more complex movements.

  • Head Control: Your baby will likely have much better head control now. During tummy time, they can lift their head and chest, supporting themselves on their arms.
  • Rolling Over: Many babies start rolling from tummy to back around this time, which is a big milestone!
  • Reaching and Grasping: Your baby is learning to reach for toys and can hold objects, though they may still drop things unintentionally. Theyโ€™re becoming more coordinated with their hands.

3. Personality Starts to Shine

Your babyโ€™s personality will really start to show at 4 months. You'll notice their reactions to people and environments becoming more distinct.

  • Smiling and Laughing: Your baby is more socially aware and will smile or laugh in response to your interactions. They love being the center of attention!
  • Babbling: They may start babbling or cooing more frequently, experimenting with different sounds as they prepare for speech development.

4. Feeding and Burping

At 4 months, most babies are still exclusively drinking breast milk or formula. While some parents may begin introducing solids, it's best to consult your pediatrician before doing so.

  • Feeding Frequency: Your baby may nurse or bottle-feed every 3-4 hours at this age.
  • Burping: Your baby may need to be burped less often after feedings, but it's still a good practice, especially after a big meal.

5. Sleeping Patterns

By now, your baby might be settling into more regular sleep patterns. Many 4-month-olds can sleep for longer stretches during the night (6-8 hours), though daytime naps are still essential.

  • Sleep Regression: Some babies go through a 4-month sleep regression, where they wake more frequently during the night. Itโ€™s a temporary phase, usually related to developmental changes.
  • Total Sleep: Your baby should be getting around 12-15 hours of sleep per day, including naps.

6. Diapering Routine

At 4 months, youโ€™re likely a pro at diapering! Your babyโ€™s bowel movements may become more predictable, especially if theyโ€™re exclusively formula or breast-fed.

  • Diaper Changes: Expect to change 5-7 diapers per day. If your babyโ€™s urine is pale yellow and the bowel movements are regular, itโ€™s a good sign they are getting enough nutrition.

7. Bathing Your Baby

Bathing can be a fun bonding experience with your 4-month-old baby. At this age, they may start splashing and enjoying the water more.

  • Frequency: You donโ€™t need to bathe your baby every dayโ€”2 to 3 times a week is often enough unless theyโ€™ve had a particularly messy day.
  • Safety: Always make sure the water is lukewarm, and never leave your baby unattended in the bath.

8. Playing and Learning Through Fun

Playtime becomes more engaging as your baby explores toys and their surroundings. This is a perfect age to introduce more interactive games.

  • Tummy Time: Keep practicing tummy time to strengthen their neck, shoulders, and back muscles.
  • Toys: Soft toys, rattles, and mirrors are great for developing motor skills and curiosity. Your baby might start reaching for toys and bringing them to their mouth to explore.
  • Reading Together: Even at this age, babies enjoy looking at books with colorful pictures and hearing your voice as you read to them.

9. Babyโ€™s Health at 4 Months

Your baby will likely have a well-check appointment at 4 months, which includes vaccinations and growth measurements.

  • Growth: Your pediatrician will check your babyโ€™s weight, length, and head circumference to ensure they're growing properly.
  • Vaccinations: Expect your baby to receive vaccines, such as the second dose of the DTaP, Hib, and polio vaccines.
  • Teething: Some babies start teething around this age, so you may notice more drooling or chewing on objects. However, it's normal for teeth to appear later as well.

10. Fun Fact: Your Baby is Learning to Talk!

By 4 months, your baby is starting to make more complex sounds, mimicking speech patterns. Even though they can't form words yet, the babbling and cooing you hear are important steps toward language development. Talking, reading, and singing to your baby helps to stimulate this progress.


Your 4-month-old baby is going through an exciting period of growth and discovery. From their developing senses to their newfound movement skills, every day brings new milestones. By engaging in stimulating activities, maintaining a consistent sleep routine, and paying close attention to your babyโ€™s health, youโ€™ll support their development and ensure they thrive during this exciting stage of life.